Sterling Study Group 2024  Schedule

The Philosophy of Ernest Holmes by Ernest Holmes





January 7

History of the New Thought Movement

Judy Oliver

Ed Surma

January 21

History of the New Thought Movement

Rev Denise Judd

TM Hanna & Family

February 4

History of Religious Science

Rev Faith Woods

Sherry Stewart

February 18

History of Religious Science

Rev Laurie Bolster

Lynn Hollyfield

March 3

The Source of the Power:  Oneness

Rev Maria Clemente

Ed Surma

March 17

The Source of the Power:  Oneness

Connee Chandler

Siobhan & Michael

April 7

The Power of the Individual

Kailey Krystyniak

 Rich Battaglia

April 21

The Power of the Individual

Gail Renwick

TM Hanna & Family

May 5

The Definition of Religious Science

Judy Oliver

Ed Surma

May 19

The Definition of Religious Science

Rev Maria Clemente

Sherry Stewart

June 2

Money is a Spiritual Idea

Kailey Krystyniak

 Lynn Hollyfield

June 16

Money is a Spiritual Idea

Gail Renwick

TM Hanna & Family

July 7

Religious Science and Man’s Great Ideas

Connee Chandler

 Jim Thorne

July 21

Religious Science and Man’s Great Ideas

Rev Laurie Bolster

 Sherry Stewart

August 4

Our Mission to the World

Judy Oliver

Ed Surma

August 18

Our Mission to the World

Gail Renwick

TM Hanna & Family

September 1

Practical Transcendentalism

Kailey Krystyniak

 Michael & Siobhan

September 15

Practical Transcendentalism

Rev Denise Judd

 Lynn Hollyfield

October 6

The Soul of Ernest Holmes

Rev Maria Clemente

 Rich Battaglia

October 20

The Soul of Ernest Holmes

Connee Chandler

Sherry Stewart

November 3

SOM: The Thing Itself

Judy Oliver

Ed Surma

November 17

SOM: The Way It Works

Gail Renwick

TM Hanna & Family

December 1

SOM: What It Does

 Rev Laurie Bolster

 Ed Surma

December 15

SOM: How to Use It

Connee Chandler

 Michael & Siobhan


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